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Download DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser v5.50.0 Full APK

Posted by APK Power

At DuckDuckGo, we believe that the Internet should not be so scary and that the privacy you deserve online should be as simple as closing the blinds.

Our app provides the essential privacy elements you need to seamlessly take control of your personal information while searching and browsing the web, no matter where the Internet takes you:
• Escape from ad tracking networks - Our privacy protection will block any hidden third-party trackers we can find, exposing the main ad networks that follow you over time, so you can follow who's trying to follow you .
• Increase protection against encryption: we force sites to use an encrypted connection when available, thereby protecting their data from prying eyes, such as ISPs.
• Private research: share your most personal information with your search engine, such as your financial, medical and political questions. What you are looking for is your own business, so searching for DuckDuckGo is not following you. Never
• Decode privacy policies - We have partnered with the terms of use which I have not read to include your scores and labels for the terms of use and website privacy policies, if any.

When searching and browsing, the DuckDuckGo privacy browser tells you a level of privacy when you visit a website (A-F). This assessment lets you see how protected you are at a glance, explore the details to see who we catch following you and learn how we improve the privacy measures of the underlying site . The level of privacy is automatically assessed based on the prevalence of hidden tracking networks, the availability of encryption, and website privacy practices.

Our app provides standard navigation features, including tabs, bookmarks, and autocomplete. In addition to the strong privacy protection described above, we also include a fire button that lets you erase all of your tabs and data with a single touch.

Too many people think that you simply cannot expect Internet privacy. We are fighting to change that, and we have made it our mission to set a new standard of trust online. Install DuckDuckGo and recover your privacy!

About us: https://duckduckgo.com/about/
Device privacy tips: https://spreadprivacy.com/tag/device-privacy-tips/
More privacy education: https://spreadprivacy.com/tag/privacy-newsletter/
Our privacy policy: https://duckduckgo.com/privacy/

This application is open source at https://github.com/duckduckgo/Android.